Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yard Sales

Jimmy and the twins went to a weekend-long family reunion on Friday and will be home tomorrow. I brought the babies to Clinton for the weekend. I went yard-saling with my aunt early this morning and wound up buying a bread machine for only $5.00. I was so excited! I wanted to try to cook some bread so that we could all have some (aunt and uncle included) before I headed for home tomorrow. At Wal-mart, I could not find the right kind of flour. At Piggly Wiggly, I could not find the yeast. I finally decided to buy the bread machine mix already put together in the box (instant, so to speak). Anyway, my mama and I tried out the bread recipe. The directions didn't say stir or mix it up, but we did a little bit anyway. It called for lukewarm water to make the yeast work. Three hours later, we got a blob of what we call "I wish I was bread!". The yeast definitely did not work. It was still sitting in the same place I had put it three hours earlier. It certainly gave me something to smile about. My aunt helped me figure out how to get the picture from the camera to the computer to the blog. The picture on the left is the bottom side of the bread, and the picture on the right is the top. I'm going to call my cousin who used to be all about a bread machine and get some tips.

1 comment:

Aunt CS said...

I certainly enjoyed this weekend. The bread machine was a great find. Sorry the bread did not turn out like we hoped...but you can always try again. I am glad we figured out how to download the picture and post it on the blog. Let me know when the bread turns out right and I will make a visit and try some. Enjoyed your family this weekend. Love...Aunt CS