Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting Started

My goal for doing this is to leave something for my children to read about themselves. I want them to hear and laugh at all the funny stories and all the funny things they say. I want their childhood to be wonderful memories (some recorded digitally, others recorded in black-and-white) for me and them rather than just a blur that flew by.

My grandmother passed away on Dec. 21. She was 95 years old and kept written journals for several years. My goal this summer is to get those typed out so that everyone can have access to the ins and outs of her days.

I've tried to start this type of written journal several times, but life gets so busy. I did pretty good this year, starting in January 2008 and writing at least every 3-4 days up until March. I type much faster than I write, so I thought I'd try this approach.

Here goes! Do I even know how to do this? I certainly don't know how to do pictures to make it more interesting, but I mostly care about the content for my children.

So who am I? I am a 36 year old mother married to a sweet husband. We have 4 kids, and I guess I'm supposed to come up with nicknames since that's what I've noticed on other people's blogs. I love names and nicknames are fun too. This might take me awhile. Thinking of names on the spot is certainly not my strength. It takes me a LONG TIME to come up with names I like. Okay...maybe I'll change these later if I need to. That is so me!

We have six-year old twins. Bear (boy) plays baseball and also loves to swim. Lou Lou (girl) loves baby dolls. These two are always up to something. They're usually having the time of their lives together or ready to snatch a knot in each others' necks. There usually is no happy-medium lately. They are in kindergarten, and are in the same class at school. They are in a multiage class (kindergarteners and first graders) and seem very happy at school. My classroom is just across the grass from theirs, which makes things convenient. I gave the names Bear and Lou Lou from the beginning of their life out of utero. They were two months premature, and they stayed in the hospital for a month after being born. Somehow the name "Brother Bear" stuck for the boy almost from the beginning. Lou Lou was smaller yet stronger than her brother. She was 3 pounds and 13 ounces, but feisty right from the start. Bear was 4 pounds and 5 ounces, and he struggled more in learning to breathe, eat, etc.

We also have a two-year old girl. Bug is full of life. She works hard to keep up with the twins, and loves "my sister" (the baby) as she calls her. She is potty training right now, and that' s going pretty well. She is very sensitive, and sometimes cries if she is corrected by someone other than me. Apparently, when I try to tell her what needs to change with her behavior, it doesn't bring her to tears. She is natured very much like me. She always makes us laugh.

We also have a baby girl who is 9 months old. Her nickname is Birdie. She is so laid back. She is happiest on my hip, moving from here to there managing all the other children. She is not crazy about playing on the floor, but can be entertained for a bit by the other children.

My husband is Jimmy. He is going to graduate school in Chapel Hill and not exactly loving every minute of it. The drive is tough, but it will be over in a year. Yay!

Why am I up at this hour? Teaching will be less than fun tomorrow if I don't get some rest tonight.

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