Sunday, June 8, 2008

So Mad

When Bear and Lou Lou were potty training, it was tough mainly because there were two of them. I had read in some "expert" book that you should change diapers in the bathrrom and put any solid waste into the toilet while talking about it so that the kid could get the gist of it, associating the toilet with what went in it. At bedtime one night, Bear had pooped in his diaper, so I took him in the bathroom, laid him down, and began to change and clean him. I picked up his diaper and dumped the contents into the toilet. He immediately said, "Can I flush it?" I said, "Yes, right after I finish and get your new diaper on." In the past in this same situation, I had forgotten to wait and let him flush, because it was just second nature to flush it myself. This particular time, he said, very calmly, "Mama, if you flush it, I'm going to be so mad at you." :)

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