Saturday, November 29, 2008

Front Tooth

Lou Lou lost her right front top tooth. It completely changed her look and made her look more growny and so cute. She wanted me to help her write a note to the Tooth Fairy. She could have written it herself but it was bedtime and my patience is not usually the greatest at bedtime. I helped her write, "Dear Tooth Fairy, Please do not take my tooth. I want to show my teacher. Love, Lou Lou".

The Tooth Fairy followed directions and left the tooth in the sandwich bag with the note.

A few days later, we were cleaning up her room. I glanced at the note and realized that she had added something to the bottom. She had written, "You can take my tooth now." When I asked her about it, she said that she had shown the tooth to her teacher and no longer needed the tooth. She said, "I don't know why the Tooth Fairy hasn't come back by for this tooth!":)

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