Sunday, December 14, 2008

Home Alone with 4 Kids

Jimmy went to his cousin's wedding in Illinois. He left on Thanksgiving Day and was supposed to return on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Because of weather and delays, he spent Monday night in the Philadelphia airport and came home on Tuesday morning. It was a very stressful time for him because he had school work due on that Tuesday and he had to attend class in Chapel Hill that same night.

It was stressful for me because of the length of time he was gone. I'm typically very independent and I'm fine with doing things on my own. Many times I prefer it that way. However, because I'm used to two when you're used to two grownups being here during the nighttime sleeping hours, I found it tough to get to sleep. I seemed to hear every little noise, and lack of sleep for several days seemed to wear me down. I was already feeling sick myself, and listed the children's daily sicknesses in a previous entry. I think I listed up to Saturday, Nov. 29.

On that Saturday night, it seemed that Lou Lou could not stop coughing, and she'd had the cough for awhile. Typically, on Sundays if there is a child sick, Jimmy takes the child to the doctor while I go to church and play the piano because it's my job. However, since Jimmy was gone, I called and told them I needed to take her myself. When I called them, they asked me if the cough went away with cough medicine. Duh! I had heard some bit on the news a few months ago about not giving small children cough and cold medicine, so I hadn't even considered this for Lou Lou. It was like when I heard that, I immediately and permanently threw that option out of my brain. So...I ended up staying home from church to go to Walmart and buy cough syrup. However, I certainly didn't mind and it gave me a much needed break.

On Monday (Dec. 1), the daycare called and said that Bug wasn't feeling well. She didn't look herself. I think this was the last day of sickness with all the kids, thank God!

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