Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Ten Commandments

Every night, we TRY to do devotion together. This consists of:
1) reading a toddler devotion book that relates things in everyday life to God (Tonight's was about a trip to the library and pointed out that the Bible is a book full of stories to read.)
2) reading some story from the Bible related to the toddler devotion book - sometimes we act these out and the kids really have fun with that.
3) reading from a Through the Bible devotion book that tells well known and other not so well known stories from the Bible.
4) Bug recites the books of the Bible. So far she knows up to Ecclesiastes. I love the way she says Leviticus and Deuteronomy:). She wants to do this part all by herself and gets mad if the big kids are mouthing the books with her.
5) The twins and I are trying to memorize the Ten Commandments from the NIV. They've worked on memorizing other longer passages of Scripture, but all the ones that they've worked on so far were ones I already knew. This meant that we could work on it anywhere, anytime, and we didn't have to have the Bible right in front of us. The Ten Commandments is the first things we've tried to work on that I don't have memorized, so it seems to be going a lot slower. Jimmy holds the paper that the Ten Commandments is printed on (from the computer) as we work to add a new verse every couple of nights. I've tried holding it myself, but I didn't seem to be able to memorize it as well when I also held the paper. Bug actually knows a lot of the verses because she's with us while we're working on this.

Tonight was the first night that the twins started acting out the Ten Commandments. Bear actually started it, and Lou Lou quickly joined in. Jimmy and I were laughing our heads off. The next time my church has a talent night or family night supper or something, Jimmy said he thought the twins should do it. I don't think they would get into it the same way in front of a large crowd. Tomorrow night we're going to try to video it and put it on youtube. We were all laughing so hard while we recited the part we knew over and over as they acted it out with their hands. Lou Lou said, "Stop, Bear! You're about to make me pee in my pants!" I would try to explain some of their hilarious hand motions, but it is so much funnier in person (or on video) rather than in words.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great activities for toddlers to read a book and they all having fun with it...

Happy blogging,

Toddler Books