Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wedding and Dancing

Last weekend our family was so blessed to be a part of my friend Tracy's wedding. Lou Lou was the flower girl, Bear was the ring bearer, Jimmy videoed, and I played the piano. Mama C stayed home with the baby girls, but they came with us to the reception. It was a jam-packed weekend. On Saturday when they got dressed, Lou Lou was of course in love with all of her outfit, from head (beautiful flower hairpiece) to toe (new white dress-up shoes). Bear was not in love with his black tuxedo. He complained mostly about the neck. I told him we could keep it really loose until time for pictures and ceremony. After we had been there awhile, he began getting a headache and someone went out and got him some medicine. It worked for awhile but he didn't stay at the reception very long. I was so proud of him for actually walking down the aisle even though he felt so bad. Tracy's mom told him that he could sit down once Tracy had come in, but he stood up there the whole time. Once he did look at Mikie (Tracy's sister Tia's fiancee and my first cousin) and say, "I want to sit down," but he ended up standing up there. He stayed home from church the next day with a headache and fever. (Lou Lou loved being the flower girl and did a knockout job:).)

At the reception, Bug, Lou Lou, and I had so much fun. Once Bug started dancing, she never wanted to quit. We'd go take a water break and she would say, "Can I go dance again?". Once when Anthony (the groom) came up to us just to say Hi, Bug said, "I want to dance with Anthony." She had never seen or talked to Anthony before this night, so it was strange that she said this. I called Anthony back over and told him what she had said. There was a slow song playing, so he picked her up and she immediately put her head on his shoulder. Later this week, I asked her why she wanted to dance with Anthony and she said, "Because I love him." Lou Lou, Bug, and I had fun especially dancing to the "Cha Cha" and the "Chicken Dance".

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