Friday, October 10, 2008

Bug Turns Three!

Well, we've been busy celebrating Bug's third birthday. Last weekend, we went to Sunshine's (my niece) 3rd birthday party at The Little Gym. That was the coolest birthday party I've every been to. All the children were entertained and active with all the gym equipment. I like things that get kids active. The employees even helped with the refreshments and presents.

The next day (Sunday) we had Bug's birthday. I had the brainstorm of painting tiny pumpkins, so Mama C brought her paints, and it worked out great. Bug got a few clothes and some Dora dolls and Barbie dolls. This was the first birthday she's had that she can really get into it. She actually turned 3 on Monday. On Wednesday morning, she asked me, "Mama, am I 2 or 3?".

The next story is not funny at all unless you know my Daddy's side of the family...I'm writing it down anyway because I don't want to forget it and it will always be funny to me. Bug was brushing Birdie's hair with a babydoll hairbrush. As she did it, she said, "Easy, easy." Then, immediately, as if it just occurred to her out of the blue, she said, "Mama, you know when we go to the Waffle Kitchen with Jaybird?" When I told her that I remembered this, she said, "Jaybird said 'Easy!'". Jaybird is my first cousin, and he and his Daddy (Ronny) and my Daddy always say, "Easy" and hold up the peace sign whenever they see each other. Who knows why, but that was so interesting that Bug picked up on that.

Bear tries out Tae Kwon Do for the first time tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

This week, the clean up the house strategy was this: Thursday - clean up the downstairs, Saturday - clean up the upstairs. I use the term "clean up" very loosely. I really should say, "Keep picking up and putting things back in the right place until you can see MORE of the carpet."

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