Thursday, January 16, 2014

What Kindergartners Say...

Running crazy around my house yesterday morning getting ready for school...I told H to go and count to 50 for her daddy. Joey must have heard her counting. On the way to school, Joey mentioned that each time H got to a number ending with 9, she would pause awhile to determine what number came next.  Then Joey began to explain that in 1st grade you can't count like that. Instead, you have to count fast. Joey began to demonstrate, counting very rapidly. When she got to about 84, H put her hand up on her forehead and said, "Do I really have to learn this RIGHT now?"

H conversation with Joey in the car...
H: Mama was talking about helping me quit sucking my thumb and she looked on that thing. It said cut off your thumbs. I'm not gonna let anybody do that.

Later on that same ride, I was praying our prayer for the morning and Joey and H started talking. When I finished praying, I said, "Why are y'all talking in the middle of my prayer?" J said, "I'm sorry, Mama." H said, "I'm sorry, Mama. I was ignoring you. I didn't know you were talking to God. I thought you were talking to us."

Last night, H and Joey were invited to spend the night at a friend's house since they don't have school today. When I agreed, H came over to the friend's mom and said, "I'm going to try not to freak out, but I am so excited!"

On another day, H said, "I heard at school that it is a bad thing to stick up your middle finger. What am I gonna do if my teacher asks me to show her 2? Should I do this [She put her two fingers pointing down.]? Or maybe I could do bunny rabbits [holding up bunny ears with crooked fingers]?"

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