Sunday, September 14, 2008

Boys Actually Do Lose Teeth!

So the Bear finally lost his first tooth. I remember last summer after the twins' first trip to the dentist, Bear wanted me to constantly check his teeth to see if his were actually loose. The dentist had told us that both twins had loose teeth, but Lou Lou's teeth were much looser than Bear's. In fact, I could hardly move any of Bear's teeth at all. In early spring of 2008, Lou Lou lost her first tooth and her second followed shortly. Bear was discouraged, and wondered if his teeth would ever even feel loose.

Last week, it finally happened. On one of my recent checks, I told him that both bottom front center teeth did seem much looser. I offered to pull them when they were ready, but he didn't commit. On Monday of last week, he walked in my room with a zipped up sandwich bag containing his first lost tooth. He said that he kept wiggling it with his tongue all during the school day until it just fell out.

My memories of losing my own teeth mostly surround my PaPa, who would offer me $5.00 if I let him pull my teeth. I said yes every time. I also remember my first grade teacher's assistant pulling a few of my teeth.

Bear's other front bottom center tooth is loose now, so loose that it sits crooked in his mouth, just waiting to be wiggled enough to fall out.

Catching up...Apparently, finding time to update is more difficult during the school year. The twins' school year has gotten off to a great start. They've had just a smidge of reading homework, enough to give them something to do without feeling overwhelmed. They both seem to enjoy reading. This past week, while reading over his story, Bear seemed to get frustrated and not want to do it because it was "too hard". I knew that the story wasn't too difficult for him. Instead, he was just plain tired and didn't want to do it. I suggested to him that he read with different voices. For example, he read one page like a grandma, one page like a monster, one page like his Daddy, etc. This gave him the spark he needed to get the reading done. He's read like that every night since.

My oldest niece, Necie, started kindergarten this year, and just finished her first full week. I haven't actually talked to her because she's always asleep by the time I'm able to call, but she loves school according to her mother, YaYa. I can't wait to talk to her in person about "big school".

This year, Lou Lou started taking dance again. She took when she was four but didn't seem to enjoy it. Now she's taking at a different place. Her teacher is a Christian woman who started a dance ministry called Dance for Christ. Lou Lou seems to have so much fun, and for the past two weeks, they've been participating in some kind of Noah's Ark dance. I'm glad to have Lou Lou with a teacher who has a love for Christ.

Bug has of late fallen madly in love with both of her sisters. She absolutely adores Lou Lou, and has been so sweet with Birdie. Lou Lou has done a good job of including Bug and making her feel special, rather than just being annoyed with her. They're taking showers together, and Lou Lou does most of the work with bathing Bug, which makes Bug feel so big and important.

Birdie is pulling up a lot more lately, and has discovered that she can climb up the stairs. She only says "MaMa" and "Hey". It's amazing how much little babies notice and learn...Whenever Birdie picks up a hairbrush, telephone, headband, etc., she knows exactly what to do with it. She loves all the big kids, and Bear works extra hard at playing with her and trying to make her laugh.

Bear is doing a little better at not aggravating the girls so much. However, last night, he was teasing Bug by pretending to put her baby doll in all the different parts of her play kitchen rather than the baby bed. Of course, Bug screamed "No" and then Bear so innocently said, "Oh, I thought that was the baby bed" with a grin across his face.

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