Thursday, August 14, 2008

Healthy Hot Dog Night

Last night, we ate hot dogs - healthy style. Actually, everyone but me ate beef hot dogs and I ate protein dogs (or whatever they were called). I can't remember the exact name of them. Anyway, they were vegetarian. We also had vegetarian baked beans, Annie's mac and cheese (Annie's is a name brand of more natural foods and sometimes organic foods), organic chili, organic ketchup, whole wheat buns, and ice water. The only thing we ate that wasn't "healthy" per se was mustard.

I had never tried vegetarian hot dogs before, but of course I kind of expected the worst, so I loaded up my hot dog with lots of ketchup. It was a little more chewy than I was used to, but I had forgotten about it by the fourth bite.

Eating vegetarian is challenging, and it makes the regular "meat" things I used to eat seem so much more delicious since I'm not having them. I eat a lot more macaroni and cheese. It seems that I'm cooking up one Annie's box everyday. I hope when school starts back, I can dig into my recipe books and find some good stuff to cook up.

Last Saturday, we had Birdie's 1 year old birthday party. We had it in the morning so we could have breakfast food. She dove into her cupcake with vanilla icing. I considered making her a more healthy birthday cake, but ran out of time and energy before I could follow through with that idea. For her birthday, she got cloth diapers for home, disposable diapers for daycare, cute clothes, a sweet baby doll named Ika, and a huge poster sized picture of her at one of Bear's ballgames.

I saved the best news of all for last...My mother defrosted her deep freezer the other day. She discovered some MaMa original apple jacks. These were one of my very favorite things that MaMa used to fix. They were not dated, and my mother said she didn't know how old they were, so they were "Eat at Your Own Risk". Because I so love to live on the dangerous side (haha), I ate one the other time, warm from the microwave. As you can see (or read), I'm still alive and kicking today. A little taste of MaMa's sugar was worth the wait!

1 comment:

VeganLinda said...

FYI - mustard is probably the healthiest condiment. Usually lower in calories and sugar than most ketchups, tumeric (what gives mustard the yellow color) is very good for you, and mustard seeds themselves are also healthy. How funny about MaMa's apple jax! I remember after my mom died, I cleaned out my dad's freezer and found some zucchini bread my mom had made me cry, but it was also nice to have a taste of something she was the best.