Bug has been having bad dreams lately. They always seem to be about dogs getting her. Sometimes she cries out, I go in, and she's already back asleep before I get to her. Twice, she has gotten out of bed and began running down the hall screaming (which thankfully wakes noone else up). She gets in the bed with us or one of us goes and gets in bed with her. On Sunday morning after one of her bad dog dreams, she said that the dog was biting her foot. She looked down at her feet and there was a red mark from a bug bite she had gotten the day before. Of course, she thought that this was from the dog. Because she thought the dog was still in her room, we spent time looking for it, even under the bed. During the day, she doesn't seem scared of the dog and isn't even scared to go to bed, but the dog must really chase her in the bad dreams. I wish I knew if there was a higher incidence of bad dreams when you're overtired or something, so that I could change something to make the bad dreams go away for her.
Other than this, the rest of her world is completely happy. Bug is laid back and very vocal. Many times, when I ask her to do something, she will say, "I'll do that in just a wittle bit, okay?". Her "okay" is long and drawn out, very Southern. Other times, she talks like a girl from somewhere else, asking me, "It's night-night time, Mom?". Mom seems so unnatural to me, but it makes me smile when a two-year old sounds like a teenager from Ohio. Potty training is going great. She accomplishes #1 and #2 almost every time she goes.
Bear has been asking me about becoming a Christian lately. Tonight, he asked me about it again. Some critics would say he's too young to understand what he's doing, and other critics might say I pushed him into it. I don't think he's too young. For his age, he understands it as much as he can, and what age does it suddenly become easy to get your mind around? Comprehending the kind of love that God has shown for us is difficult for me and I'm 36, not 6. I intentionally did not push him into it, but we have worked to have his environment focused on Christ and his sacrifice for us.
Anyway, he decided tonight he wanted to become a Christian. He asked me a very interesting question: "After I become a Christian, I can't do anything wrong anymore?" I think this may be a misconception for young and old alike, feeling that we have to improve ourselves before coming to Christ. I talked to him in his bedroom awhile, and then we prayed. He was beaming and so excited as he told Lou Lou and his Daddy about it. Later, he said to his Daddy, "When you become a Christian, all you have to do is say a prayer. It should be more than that!". Bear is very insightful and a bit precocious when it comes to things like this.
I want to make sure to talk to the twins tomorrow night about this very thing, this decision being "more than that". Making a choice in life to walk on the narrow way and daily walking with God on this narrow way is crucial. Becoming a Christian is not something you check off your to-do list so that you can relax about your eternity. I need to tell them and show them about the path.
For an interesting and powerful video about this, go to http://www.onceuponacross.com/, click on Area 51, and then click on Paul Washer youtube video. It lasts an hour.
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