I want to catch up from my 2008 written-out journal so that all my thoughts will be all in one place. This will be the first time that has ever happened - - haha! Most of my writing in this journal was short phrases due to lack of energy, so that explains why the following looks the way it does...
January 1 - The pink eye monster lives at our house.
Lou Lou - Dec. 26
Bug - Dec. 28
Birdie - Dec. 29
Me - Jan. 1
Bear - Jan. 2
Jimmy - Jan. 4
Jan. 2 - stayed home from school with all four kids, Papa J (my daddy) stayed with the twins, I took Bug and Birdie to the doctor, Bug's med. wasn't working, got oral med. which should be much easier to get in her.
Jan. 3 - Bear and Bug stayed home with TT (Jimmy's sister)
Jan. 4 - stayed home and cleaned up, Bug peed and pooped in the potty, she was scared of her poop shen she saw it and wanted me to hold her, she said, "Daddy, get it out!"
Jan. 5 - stayed home and cleaned up all day, Birdie's just starting on cereal, she is doing better about opening her mouth, she still doesn't sleep through the night. Since I've had pinkeye, I have fed her with my eyes still glued shut in the middle of the night. Bug peed and pooped again today. The twins read Hello Kitty phonics beginner books tonight. I love to hear them read!
Jan. 6 - church today, pinkeye's going away
Jan. 7 - piano lesson folks came over
Jan. 8 - twin swimming lessons, Jimmy had school
Jan. 9 - twins had piano, I had choir, I was missing MaMa today and not really into teaching school.
Jan. 10 - swimming lessons again
Jan. 11 - cleaned up around the house, Jimmy's dad (Papa, not PaPa) came and we ate Chinese. Bug started calling us "Mom" and "Dad" tonight. I don't know where she got that from. I prefer "Mama" and "Daddy". She uses the potty based on her interest rather than need, but somehow pees every time. She says, "I pee in potty just like a big girl, Mom." Also, she's started regularly sleeping in the big girl bed which frees up the crib for Birdie. Birdie still doesn't sleep through the night, but her waking up doesn't wake up Bug or anyone else.
Lou Lou is so good with Birdie. She can hold her, move her around, and is so comfortable doing all of this. Bear loves talking and playing with Birdie. She's the only girl in the house he doesn't try to aggravate. Also, Bug has fallen in love with Birdie. She calls her "my sister" and loves singing "Happy Burp-day" to "dear my sister". She also sings to "dear my Naney, Brother, Mama, Daddy". Bug wants Birdie to look at her and not so gently grabs her head. Birdie doesn't seem to mind and always smiles at everyone. She's doing good with her cereal.
Jan. 12 - Darden came over to play with Bear. Hannah came over to play with Lou Lou. Jimmy's daddy bought us a new dishwasher. Papa J and MaJe (my parents) bought us new kitchen canisters. We gave them their Christmas present - - a digital camera.
Jan. 13 - Jennifer, a friend from college, came to see me. We caught up some and played and talked with the kids some.
Jan. 14 - first day of student teacher, Joy, it went good
Jan. 15 - swimming lessons, About 2 weeks ago, I was making PB&J sandwiches and I couldn't get the jelly jar open. I twisted and grunted as I tried to get it open. Bug said, "Daddy help her." (When she was a bit younger, she would say, "JoJo help her" when she wanted to do something by herself - so cute.) I took the jelly jar to Jimmy, he opened it, and I came back to the table. When I sat down, Bug said, "My mommy said 'Uh'!". Hilarious! Since then, we've asked her to say it again, which she does. Then we laugh, and she looks at me and says, "Don't waf [laugh], Mommy!" which makes me laugh harder.
Jan. 24 - Today I made a schedule for the day, woke up at 4:15 , and got to work at 7:50 - yay!
Good suppers lately - shipwreck supper (mac and cheese, hamburger, peas, tomatoes) - great!
Easy shepherd's pie - hamburger, beef gravy, cream cheese, mozz. cheese, mixed veg., butter, mashed potatoes, garlic - pretty good!
Jan. 27 - Yesterday we went to Clinton for YaYa's birthday. The kids put on a sing-and-dance show for YaYa. Today we went to church. Rick resigned today. I don't know everything that's going on. I do know that working for a church is hard because you can't make everyone happy. Today was good because we followed a schedule and we worked together.
Jan. 31 - swimming lessons tonight. I fixed French toast ham and cream cheese in raisin cinnamon bread sandwiches - okay but not wow. I've been doing a schedule and it's working okay. I wish I could take off a day so that I could catch up on the laundry. Oh well, the weekend's coming.
Me, twins, and Bug played American Idol in the car. Twins' idea and they were the judges. I went first, introduced myself, and sang "Edelweiss". Twins whispered, and then Bear said, "You're going to Hollywood!" Lou Lou said, "Now it's Bug's turn". Immediately Bug said, "I Jo-Jo". HAHA - she sang her all time two favorite songs: Happy Birthday and Jesus Loves Me. Then they told her she could go to Hollywood too.
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